Update Ansible inventory with new container IP of Docker

3 min readMar 26, 2021

In this article, we’ll see how to fetch the docker container IP after provisioning and how to update it in the inventory of Ansible, and also configure the apache web server on the docker container with Ansible playbook.

In this example, I am going to use a centos image with SSH enabled because Ansible connects with Linux OS with SSH protocol but the centos image has no SSH available by default. first, we will create our own Dockerfile with SSH enabled.


Here is a code for Dockerfile. Copy this code and save it as Dockerfile. Then run docker build . -t <image-name>:<tag> command, it will build the image with SSH enable. In my case, I have given ssh-centos:v1 name.

FROM centos:latestRUN yum install net-tools -yRUN yum install openssh-server -yRUN ssh-keygen -ARUN yum install passwd -yRUN echo root | passwd root --stdinCMD ["/usr/sbin/sshd", "-D"]


Create ansible.cfg in your workspace, so that ansible will take all the configuration from this file.



Just write group name and save it as inventory without any extension.



This YAML file will launch the docker container for us but the host OS must have python3 and docker sdk installed, if you don't have than install python3 and then install docker with pip3 install docker.

- hosts: localhost
- container_name: "firstContainer"
- image_name: "ssh-centos:v1"
- docker_container:
name: "{{ container_name }}"
image: "{{ image_name }}"
state: started
register: container_info
- lineinfile:
path: inventory
insertafter: '^\[container]'
firstmatch: yes
line: "{{ container_info.ansible_facts.docker_container.NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}"
state: present

docker_container module will launch a container on the localhost and register keyword stores all the information about container. For now, we only needs the IP of the container. lineinfile module will takes the IP from the container_info variable and write the IP into the inventory file.


- hosts: container
- document_root: "/var/www/html"
- name: Installing the httpd
name: httpd
state: present
- name: Content for web
dest: "{{ document_root }}/index.html"
content: "Automation with ansible!!!"
register: result
- name: Starting httpd service
command: "/usr/sbin/httpd"
when: result.changed == "true"

This YAML file will configure the apache web server on the launched container.

Final Output

That’s it guys. I have mentioned github repo link for download the codes

Thanks for the reading…




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